Saturday, January 8, 2011

GXR vs DP2 shots : Set 1 Indoor at night, Set 2 Outdoor 2 pm.

A member of Flickr asked if i could produce some comparison shots between GXR and DP2, so this would be my attempt. I own both GXR and the DP2 but i don't normally do these comparison so its just going to be my first attempt at it.

Here are the ground rules and understanding :-
1. It would just be aperture priority and leaving everything else to the camera's auto mode
2. It would be mounted on either a tripod or gorilla pod or some fix surfaces.
3. All shots will be done via a 2 sec timer to prevent shaking due to button clicking.
4. DNG and X3F original files are provided so you can compare it yourself.
Provided at the end of each set of comparison.
5. Original sized JPEG is downloadable from my flickr set (click on the image).
6. Very minor tweak on WB for both jpegs with highest export settings.
7. More updates will be issued to this page when i get the chance to compare more.

Here are the shots arranged by :

top: GXR
bottom: DP2.

SET 1 :  Indoor at Night. Bulb lighting.

GXR 2.5f-max Aperture Priority

DP2 2.8f-max Aperture Priority

GXR 5.6f Aperture Priority

DP2 5.6f Aperture Priority

Original DNG/X3F files for above comparison : (46MB)

Updated : 9th-January-2011!

Now for the outdoor shot comparison. I have cropped the DP2 so that it looks like the Ricoh 50mm shot due to the lens differences (the orignal DNG/X3F remains untouch and available for download at the end of each comparison). I left the ISO to auto and everything else auto except both are now using SPOT AF and auto WB. I exported both using LR.
Generally GXR have darker shadows if unprocessed so i would advice serious comparison be done by downloading the provided X3F/DNG instead of the jpgs below.

top: GXR
bottom: DP2.

SET 2 :  Outdoor 2 PM, all Aperture f5.6f, ISO auto

GXR 5.6f Aperture Priority

DP2 5.6f Aperture Priority

Original DNG/X3F files for above comparison : (26MB)

Toddlers and such

Capturing solo images of kids esp at 3-5 years old are not easy, they tend to have a mind of their own and posing is near impossible. However that is also the beauty of it, the last thing you want to shoot is a toddler posing which would be unnatural.
Today i had the opportunity to shoot images of this cute 3 year old by following him around and tagging along his normal routines. None of the shots here involved asking Seth to pose.






Thursday, January 6, 2011

S95 is just another compact, Ipad is fun

inow-1592, originally uploaded by Marcus++.

My colleague here really loves his S95. But what puzzles him is that despite the camera having a fast lens f2.0 and reputable sensitive sensors, he could not generate the depth of field that is so commonly generated by dlsrs and hybrids (4/3, ricoh, nex 5, dpx).

This shot is taken by the DP2, by leveraging it on the table u see on the left, due to the low lighting and i decide not to use the mecablitz flash for this candid shot. The Ricoh GXR however could have easily taken the shot given the average-low lighting. This weekend i am going to post more comparison between the GXR and DP2...outdoor! (the GXR is very good but outdoor is where the foveon shines...)

Here are other interesting shots i did with the DP2 with the mecablitz 20 c2 flash and some bouncing of the flash in different setup. Another colleague of mine here just got his Ipad and is having a joyful time with it.




Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Low Lighting with MecaBlitz 20 C-2

Indoor shooting with DPx issues are solved if you get an External flash such as the MecaBlitz 20 C-2. The idea is simply bounce the light off the ceiling or wall so that the images looks super without making your DPx looks like a bulky slr.
Here are some shots that were taken using handheld and low lighting, the sharpness you see here is untouched and would have been impossible otherwise.

SDIM1588, originally uploaded by Marcus++.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Free Photo Shooting

klccshufen-1452, originally uploaded by Marcus++.

I have decided to give Free photo shooting, well a least in Malaysia, its my only way to get more exposure and experience in photography. I will start with doing family and personal profiles but given the limitation of my gears, only outdoor shootings will be given.

I will start by offering this "community service" to friends in facebook and relatives :-))